Return Health

Return to Health
Reopening Schools: Layers of Safety


Evidence from around the world shows that schools can safely remain open utilizing layered mitigation measures of safety.  School supports our students’ academic progress and addresses educational inequities exacerbated by the pandemic and access to distance learning.  As the CDC advises, the most important actions for districts and school administrators to take keeping schools open is planning and preparing. 

The following Return to Health Plan serves as the SCUSD COVID-19 Safety Plan (CSP) for in-person instruction and meets the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) COVID- 19 Prevention Program (CPP) and the COVID-19 School Guidance Checklist requirements. The SCUSD Return to Health plan provides our operational strategy to support K-12 schools providing in-person services, support and instruction, and remaining open through an integrated package of mitigation measures.

In accordance with updated guidance from the California Department of Public Health, SCUSD is not currently requiring a vaccination or testing mandate for students and staff. Testing reminds widely and readily available to those who need it. At this time, masks are strongly recommended but not required on campus. We are in regular communication with state and local health leaders and will adjust those requirements as needed.

As newly evolving variants continue to prolong the pandemic and impact our community, we remain committed to doing all we can to support the health, safety and well-being of our schools and surrounding communities.

Public Health Recommendations

This  plan was developed using recommendations from Sacramento County Public Health (SCPH), California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to meet the unique needs of our school community.  SCUSD will remain flexible in responding to changing public health conditions and will continue to revise our Return to Health plans in accordance with the most current orders or guidance provided by the CDPH.

Per the California state public health order updated June 8, 2022:

All individuals must continue to follow the requirements in the current COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools in California and the current COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for Child Care Programs and Providers.  I [CDPH] will continue to monitor the scientific evidence and epidemiological data and will amend this guidance as needed by the evolving public health conditions and recommendations issued by the CDC and other public health authorities.

What You Can Do to Protect Yourself and Your Community

  • Get vaccinated as soon as you are eligible – encourage all household members to get vaccinated when eligible including any recommended booster doses.  Vaccination slows the spread of COVID in communities and protects those not yet eligible for vaccine.
  • Stay home if you are experiencing any symptoms and test for COVID-19.  Follow Appendix B: Illness and Symptoms Guidelines for Staff and Students for guidance on returning to school after symptoms.
  • Register for COVID-19 testing and get tested regularly – this helps detect when COVID-19 is spreading in our communities and enables us to take steps to stop the spread.
  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or if a close contact has tested positive, stay home and immediately notify your school site or supervisor so we can respond appropriately.
  • Wear your face masks appropriately, covering your nose and mouth, indoors when at school spaces or during school activities when required or strongly recommended. 

Layers of Safety Health Precautions


As we discuss mitigation measures, it is important for our community to know how COVID-19 is spread and controlled. COVID-19 is mostly spread by respiratory droplets released into the air when people talk, sing, laugh, cough, or sneeze.  Over the course of the pandemic various mitigation measures have been adopted to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. The Swiss Cheese Respiratory Pandemic Defense recognizes that no single intervention is perfect at preventing the spread of the coronavirus.  

Vaccination is the most effective strategy we have, however each strategy (face masks, distancing, testing, etc.) decreases the risk of in-school transmission.  While  no one layer is 100% effective, a combination of layers is proven effective and has been shown to decrease transmissions.   

Mitigation Standards and Guidelines at SCUSD Sites


To break the chain of potential transmission and to limit the risk of exposure to all our community members, we must follow the guidance below. When staff and students return to campus, they will return to a physical space that enables all individuals to follow recommended health precautions. To protect students, staff and visitors to school sites, SCUSD staff will evaluate all spaces and make modifications in order to maximize ventilation and spacing needs. This includes signage in every space with public health reminders. Below is a list of standards to be followed at each SCUSD site. 

COVID-19 Response Teams


The district and school site COVID-19 response teams ensure implementation of public health measures. 

References and Appendices
