return health protect yourself

What You Can Do to Protect Yourself and Your Community

  • Get vaccinated as soon as you are eligible – encourage all household members to get vaccinated when eligible including any recommended booster doses.  Vaccination slows the spread of COVID in communities and protects those not yet eligible for vaccine.
  • Stay home if you are experiencing any symptoms and test for COVID-19.  Follow Appendix B: Illness and Symptoms Guidelines for Staff and Students for guidance on returning to school after symptoms.
  • Register for COVID-19 testing and get tested regularly – this helps detect when COVID-19 is spreading in our communities and enables us to take steps to stop the spread.
  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or if a close contact has tested positive, stay home and immediately notify your school site or supervisor so we can respond appropriately.
  • Wear your face masks appropriately, covering your nose and mouth, indoors when at school spaces or during school activities when required or strongly recommended.